lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

Review: songs

There are some songs that depending on your mood you should listen to one or another. I will expose two songs, "Hello" from Adele and "On Top of the World" from Imagine Dragons.

"Hello" talks about a girl that broke up with her boyfriend and she feels sorry about it. Now she tries to talk with him again to know how he is although the boy never picks up the phone when she calls.

Meanwhile, "On Top of the World" explains the deepest times you may had been through, but afterwards he is "on top of the world" meaning he is in the best times of his life. He has been dreaming on this since he was a child and now he achieves it. For certain Imagine Dragons's song is the most uplifting one.

To conlcude, before listening to each other take into account your mood. Despite you are feeling drepresed, I recommend you listening "On Top of the World" to uplift yourself, and if you are already feeling happy, you will be better than before.

The importance of taking care cultural heritages

We often hear that is a priority for governments to aim preserving cultural heritage for future generations. While it is true that increasing the founding for museums is a possible solution, it is also necessary to teach the importance of cultural heritage in schools.

Firstly, the governments should increase the founding for museums to preserve the historian material recovered by palaeontologists, historians and archeologists. Museums are sources of vivid information that from my point of view are invaluable. Moreover, a child after visiting a museum from where he lives, feels himself with knowledge of his ancestors and where he come from.

Secondly, and the most important of all, is to teach the importance of cultural heritage in schools. Children should recognise the importance of monuments since they are little and learn how to take care of them, for example not graffitiing them. After all, they need to take into account that the cultural heritage they see nowadays are the ones their sons and older generations will appreciate in the future.

On balance, I believe that governments must aim to preserve cultural heritage by increasing the founding for museums, and  mainly schools must teach the importance of them giving the fact that are the evidence where we come from.

martes, 17 de octubre de 2017

Los 5 sentidos

ILuego de leer el segundo capítulo "Los sentidos" del libro "Modelo para armar", buscamos imagenes representativas que sinteticen la unidad.

Para verte mejor

Los seres vivos acuáticos desarrollaron un caliz capaz de percibir la dirección de la cual provenía una fuente de luz.

Los primeros anfibios poseían un grupo de músculos que comprimían el ojo contra el fondo de la fosa ordinaria para ver de cerca y que lo liberaban para ver de lejos.

Los mamíferos enfocaban mejor la vista ya que aplanaban su cristalino para ver lejos y se relajaba para ver de cerca.

En los primates arborícolas surgió la visión binocular, aunque tenían una menor amplitud que los mamíferos, les permitía medir con exactitud distancias.

Se cree que la esclerótica es blanca para saber que hace, piensa o siente el otro. Los perros y los humanos comparten la esclerótica blanca. Es probable que como los perros conviven con los seres humanos desde hace mucho tiempo, se produjo una evolución paralela por la relación social existente.

Para escucharte mejor

El oido es fundamental para el ser humano ya que permite la comunicación oral. Somos animales sociales porque depende del lenguaje hablado

Para comerte mejor

El sabor es el conjunto del gusto y el olfato, que nos permite a diferenciar entre alimentos sanos y peligrosos. Al sentir el sabor salado o dulce de los alimentos podemos decir que se encuentra en buen estado. Mientras que el amargo y el ácido ocurre cuando hay actividad bacterial característico de alimentos en mal estado o dañinos

Para olerte mejor

La nariz despegada del rostro le permitió al Homo erectus una mayor entrada de aire tanto cálido como húmedo. Ademas de su valoración estética característica del ser humano por ser un animal social.

Harry Potter review

When I was a child I saw one of the best movies in my life till today. Harry Potter and the Philosopher stone is an absolutely riveting story about a boy with magical powers who lives with his non-wizards uncle and aunt, often called Muggles. His biological family hates him but suddenly he is invited to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to change his life.

In the magical World we get to know a poignant story life. Harry's parents were murdered by a powerful wizard called Voldemort who is oftenly call "he who must not be named". For our surprise, Harry is the only one who survived an attack from Voldemort and the wizarding world know him as a living myth, "the one who lived".