viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

Literary esaay about "The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde"

In this essay we focus on the main themes of the story "The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde".

In the book "The Strange Case of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde" written by Robert Louis Stevenson, it show a scientist call Dr. Henry Jeckyll who wants to sepeare  the human soul. After a lot of attempts he can get his aim even though it is not what he expects. His bad part of the soul was uncontrollable, so he commits suicide. In this essay, the importance of reputation, the guilty and Mr. Hyde's physical appearance, which are the most important themes of the novel, will be Analysis.

In the novel, preserving one's reputation is a very important aspect in society. One example is Utterson, who avoids gossips at all cost, they see gossip as a very bad part of society. If you say rumour in the Victorian era, you will ruin your reputation. “I am ashamed of my long tongue. Let us make a bargain never to refer to this again”.

If we consider the guilty of the innocent as a theme,  in each situation  the culprit is Mr. Hyde, and the victim is someone else. For example Mr. Hyde beats Mr. Carew till kill him. “And next moment, with ape-like fury, he was trampling his victim under foot, and hailing down a storm of blows, under which the bones were audibly shattered and the body jumped upon the roadway”.

As regards Mr. Hyde's physical appearance, he is ugly, deformed, and hair. His ugliness and deformity represents his back of moral and ethics. His hairy body symbolises that he is Dr. Jeckyll's instinctive side or the animalistic side of Dr. Jeckyll. "...,and brought him back to where there was already quite group about the screaming child. He was perfectly cool and made no resistance, but gave me one look, so ugly that it brought out the sweat in me like running." 

To conclude, the novel is very fanciful. Because it is impossible to separate our soul and to transform in another person. However, it leaves us thinking if Dr. Jeckyll potion is true and if it functions. Another thing I would like to know, if it is a cure for this transformation. Robert Louis Stevenson is an excellent writer because all along the story he could catch our attention and continue reading up to the end of it.

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

Disaster in Mar del Plata.

In this work you will see a New Report that tolds a big storm in Mar del Plata

There was a very strong rain in Mar del Plata. The waves were moving so severely that they got to the street. It killed twenty six people and fifty were injured. This rain was the second most powerful in the history of Mar del Plata.

Everything started when the temperature in Mar del Plata changed from 35° to 40°. There was so much water that this strong rain plus the waves created a chaotic situation. People were walking around the streets screaming and shouting.

People had to get under any roof they found, so as to protect themselves. Thunders hit trees, and as a consequence, they fell down as papers. The sixth day, the sun came out and the water evaporated. Fortunately, experts said that next time it will not be as chaotic as this one.

People on TV said that it was the second most powerful rain in the history of Mar del Plata. “We are grateful that this rain was in August because tourists are not here, if this had happened in January, we estimate that the number of injured people would have been greater”.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

The strange case of Peter and his mother

 The 7th of December of 1999 was a gloomy day. It was raining and nobody went out of their homes. Peter was a strange boy, he was 14 years old and he lived in California, with his father. His mother disappeared when Peter was 8 years old. Joel, Peter’s father, and the police didn’t know what happened to her.

That day as usual, Peter was quiet. He only talked to his father and his best friend, who’s name was Jack. Peter didn’t have good relationships with his class mates. He didn’t talk to anyone, he was feeling sad. And he asked

´´San are you feeling ok? ´´ Joel asked
´´Yes dad…´´ Peter answered crying
´´And why are you crying? ´´ Joel asked
´´Because when I was returning home from school, I crashed with a post.´´ Peter answered
´´Are you sure, is there anything you want to tell me? ´´ Joel asked again
´´No dad, I’m sure.´´ Peter answered

After this conversation in Peter’s shabby bedroom, Joel said to Peter that dinner was ready on the table. Peter went to the kitchen, but he didn’t eat anything. Joel thought that he didn’t have hungry because he was sad, so he didn’t say a word. They got up of the chairs and they went to slept.

The other day, Joel woke Peter up, and Peter continued being sad. Without a work; they entered the car, and Joel left Peter at school. Joel went to work. However, he was worried so he calls Jack to be sure that Peter was ok.

´´Hello Jack I am Peter’s father, can you help me please? ´´ Joel said
´´Yes tell me, what is the problem with Peter? ´´ Jack said
´´He is sad; he did not eat anything at night and today too. Do you know what happened to him? ´´ Joel said
´´Ok, thanks for the information, if anything you know about it, call me? ´´ Joel said
´´Yes sure! ´´ Jack said

There were 10:30 and Peter didn’t come back from school. He used to come at 6 o’clock. Joel was waiting for him at home with dinner ready, he was nervous; he didn’t know what happen to him. He didn’t have any call, any message, nothing. Joel called Jack and then he called the police, but both of them didn’t have news from Peter.

The police was trying to find Peter; meanwhile Joel was searching for some clues. He entered to Peter’s bedroom and he found his diary.

Joel opened it on the 6th of December. And he found all the clues that he needed

´´12/7/1999; California

I have all done, my plan is ready to be executed. The only thing I have to do is to wait. I’m very sad. I will miss my dad and my friend.´´

´´12/8/1999; California

I woke up ready. When I go out school, I will do it. I will commit suicide! My mother disappeared and I can’t live without HER. She was all for me. I LOVE you DAD, you are the most important man in my life. But I can’t live without her.´´

´´Noooo Peter! I need you.´´ Joel shouted desesperated

Three weeks later, the police found Peter’s body in the river.

´´That was the last time we ever saw him´´ Joel told the police.

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014


Acá podrán ver una Power Point que habla del calcio con sus descubrimientos y propiedades.

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014


Here you will see a short summary of the movie Narnia

There was a civil war and the four siblings (Peter, Susan, Edmond and Luci) moved to an old man's house, far from the war. There, they will stay until the war is over.

This old man gave them food and shared his huge house with them. The little girls Luci, found a closet playing hide and seek. She was trying to hide from his brother Peter, she entered the closet and continuo moving backwards in it. Luci discover another world. It was cold and there was snow in all the trees. She told this to his brother Edmond and he doesn't believe her, he mocked at Luci. She to told this to his old siblings Peter and Susan. They don't believe her too. At night the four brothers went to the closet, and they enter in. Inside there, they found a queen. This queen thought that she was the more powerful person in Narnia. Unless, Aslan the lion was there. Aslan hate the queen and vice versa. They had a fight, trying to see who was the most powerful! Aslan and the siblings won.

Aslan offered the power of Narnia to the four siblings, and they accepted. After10 years, they were riding a horse and they found the closet. They entered and they returned 10 years back. They were the same children like before.


Here you will find. review of a movie, in these case, from Narnia


The chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis is an incredible film that is set in England and mainly in Narnia. This beautiful film is about four brothers that have to defend this new world from the witch that tries to control Narnia.

This starts when the four brothers have to move to a new house, so as to be far from the  second war world. When they arrive, the little girl Luci, finds a closet. She tell this to his brothers, and they become interested in knowing  what is inside it. While investigating, they find another world. There, they find Aslan that is the lion that tries to kill witch soldiers. The four brothers become involved in the war against the evil ones in order to regain peace.

This amazing story is full of strange creatures and wonderful places. The voices of the characters are perfect, the setting is very useful to understand the the raising action. The main plot is full of descriptions.

I really recommend the Chronicles of Narnia because it is a good film to watch with your family or with friends. The characters in the story are awesome, while watching it your imagination will fly. They really shocked me. Their performances are excellent! 

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

Intervención: autorretrato

Para poder finalizar esta foto recortada y editada en el editor online pixlr, proseguimos a los siguientes pasos.

Nos reunimos en grupos de 5 y juntamos los poemas de cada uno para poder compactar uno solo. A partir de ese poema ilustramos lo que sentíamos sobre el patio del colegio, sacamos fotos del proceso y las recortamos para pegarlas en nuestro cuerpo.

Esta seria la foto terminada

viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Alta edad media

A continuación podrán ver el trabajo sobre la alta edad media, echo por Matias Viana, Sebastian Rojas, Juan Kos y Leandro Tagliaferri

Nuestro señorío se encuentra en la región de Champaña. Es una antigua provincia de Francia que esta ubicada al noreste de este país. La Champaña (del latín campus) estaba habitada por galos, como remos, triscases, meldas, lingones y senonenses, en tiempos del Imperio romano formaba parte de la Gallia Lugdunensis y estaba habitada ya por francos y borgoñones. Tras convertirse en condado a inicios del siglo XII, la provincia de Champaña fue unida a la corona francesa y a al Reino de Navarra gracias al matrimonio de Juana I de Navarra con Felipe el Hermoso, rey desde 1285.

En el la heráldica de nuestro señorío se puede observar el color rojo, que simboliza al dios Marte, las características que le corresponden son fortaleza, alteza, y victoria.
El color azul simboliza a Venus, y las cualidades de justicia, lealtad y prudencia, con la obligación al servicio y protección de la Agricultura ante su Soberano y Patria.
El color plateado simbolizando la Luna, pureza, fe y obediencia, Las familias a las que se les concedía el privilegio de llevar el plateado en sus escudos se distinguían por su integridad, su obediencia, firmeza y gratitud. Los portadores de este color en su escudo eran reconocidos como aquéllos que servían al Rey en la náutica y tenían la obligación de amparar a los huérfanos y defender a las doncellas.
El color dorado simboliza la nobleza, la prosperidad, sabiduría, constancia, riqueza y poder. La familia que llevara este color, debía caracterizarse por sus cualidades de generosidad y nobleza y servir al Rey. Debían ser los primeros en defender y portar las virtudes caballerescas.
Ademas de los colores, en la heráldica se pueden observar los siguientes objetos; espadas, que simbolizan la justicia y soberanía de su antepasados. Y un león que simboliza un espíritu generosamente guerrero.

martes, 26 de agosto de 2014


Here in this entry you will see an interpretation of my monologue that I created. In the video that is below you will see me interpretating Marcus Stoplen, a super hero.


I was a normal boy, I don't have problems with nobody. I liked my old work, I have a house a family. And one day, all change
It was a normal day in my office. I was working when my computer doesn't tern on. I check if I broke it, but not, the wire was disconnected. And that was the big problem. When I plug the wire in the wall, all exploded. Living me immobilised. 
I wake up in the hospital and the doctors explained me, that now I have super powers. I can trough bean and I can fly. 
That shock me, I was specting  to be okey.

I started thinking, how I can use this powers. And I though when I was a child. I liked watching my father in the tv catching thieves. And I remember that i want to be like him. And now I could help the police. 
Really, I fill happy about my self and my progress 

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

Kazuya Sakai

Estuvimos en el Magba (Museo Internacional de Arte Moderno), vimos y nos explicaron las obras de distintos artistas. La semana siguiente, en informática, entramos a la página y elegimos 3 obras que nos parecían más interesantes y de esas 3 quedo una que fue la de Kazuya Sakai. Después tuvimos que investigar la biografía del pintor, buscamos y elegimos 3 obras más. En Lengua, creamos un poema hablando de las obras que elegimos y creamos un video con el poema. Recortamos las obras que elegimos para parecer que la obra era otra 
Este es el video 


Hecho por: Matias Viana y Leandro Tagliaferri

jueves, 21 de agosto de 2014

Diary entry

Here you can see two diary entries from the book The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. hyde

August 24, 1889
Great Britain, London

Today is a hard day. I'm trying to finish the potion to separate my good and bad part of my soul.
It's a very complex preparation. I put too many ingredients to finish this potion. Tomorrow I'll show scientists that I'm telling the truth. that is possible to do this, I'll dismiss this myth, I'll show Laynon that I'm right. He always told that it's impossible to show that. Now I'll finish the potion. I have to include some ingredients and mix it all. I'm so anxious, I want to drink it and see what happens. But leaving these feelings apart, I'm so nervous. I don't know what will happen then, if I'll become a normal man, like now, or if I'll stay like this and nobody can help me. If the potion becomes addictive and I can't stop drinking it. I'm scared! I hope this will goes by quickly and i won't suffer.
I finished the potion. It's ready to drink it. Now I'll go to sleep, tomorrow before breakfast, I'll drink it, so Poole doesn't suspect something

Dr. Henry Jekyll

August 25, 1889
Great Britain, London

Dear Diary, I'm ready to drink the potion. I was so nervous that I slept only four hour. I went to sleep at 3 o'clock and I get up at 7 o'clock. I told Poole if he could go to buy some food for breakfast. So that he didn't see me. And the other servants, I put them to clean all the house, so they are inattentive and don't bother me. I'min the lab, now I will drink it. Then I will write the effects of  the potion so I have clear what will happen when I drink it again.
It had been four hours more or less. I was Mr. Hyde for some period of time. I was too strong and little. Really I dismiss this strange myth. I was right, Laynon was mistaken. I have a really strong headache, and I'm really tired. I don't remember what happened when I was Hyde. My clothes are broken. And I hope that Poole and Utterson don't see me walking in the street.
Well now I'll go to eat something and go to sleep.

Good bye
Dr. Henry Jekyll


lunes, 14 de julio de 2014


Integrates: Matías Viana y Leandro Tagliaferri

Artista: Kazuya Sakai
Obras: Olas rojas en Matsushima, 
Herramienta utilizada: Cute cut

domingo, 22 de junio de 2014

Je parle de moi

Bonjour, je m'appelle Marcus Stopolen; j' ai 13 ans. Mon anniversaire c' est le trois septembre. J' habite à Temperley, rue tiglio avec ma mére Gabriela, mon pére Roberto ma soeur Cecilia, ma niéce Sabrina, et mon chien Conan

Je suis assez sportif. J' adore le football et le gym,surtout j' aime le rugby. Je suis responsable et bon élève. Je suis un peu calme. Je déteste le golf et je n'aime pas le hockey. Mais j'aime manager de la glace et des hamburguers.

Je suis de taille moyenne, je mesure á peu près 1 mètre 60. Je suis un peu mince, je pèse 52 kilos. J' ai les yeux grands et bruns. J' ai les cheveux raides et mi-longs. Ils sont châtains et plutôt bruns.

viernes, 13 de junio de 2014


In L/L writing we have to find information about a place that we want, and write a short description of it.

Disney is an entertainment complex in Orlando, Florida. Designed to supplement the complex, it was developed by Walter Disney in 1960. You can also find more branches in Paris, Japan, etc. It has too many entertainment parks. This is attractive for all ages; water parks, golf, cinemas and recreation. Here you can be a whole year and won't get bored.

I like from Disney that the people are so respectful. Always when you enter to a shop or a game they say you "hello, how are you?"And you fell comfortable with the environment. People there treat you as family.

One thing that it so exhausting  is that in the game of the park there are long lines of people. There you can be and hour staying to enter the game. Then after doing all that long line,  it is so beautiful entering to the game, you will say "I want to go again!"

The climate in Orlando is a bit warm, usually is 27°C. But you don't have to care about that because you can go to a water game and refresh, and always have fun. There are mini shops in the park where you can buy something to drink or to eat. Equally  it is not advisable because in the game you can fell sick. And it wouldn't be so nice.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Historia a traves del arte

Para este dibujo nos tuvimos que basar en el trabajo de "composición de figuras geométricas" elegido por nosotros hecho por nuestro compañero. Al ver el de trabajo de nuestro compañeros tubimos que basarnos en él y crear una historia. Cuando terminamos esa breve historia, tubimos q hacer un dibujo sobre esa historia

Composición de figuras geométricas planas

Para este dibujo tubimos q pensar en nuestra palabra anteriormente eligida (3er tiempo) y crear un dibujo abstracto sobre el mismo. Pintarlo con tempera y luego resaltar algunas partes con lapices de colores.


Para hacer este dibujo me inspire en una foto sacada de google, y luego lo pase a una figura q me represente una palabara. En mi caso mi la palabra es "3er tiempo".

lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

A través de los ojos de Sakai

Sus padres, ciudadanos japoneses, querían que el estudie la cultura japonesa clásica. Para ello necesitaban volver a Japón. Concluidos sus estudios regresó a Argentina en 1951 y comenzó a trabajar de manera sistemática en la difusión de la cultura japonesa de maneras diversas. Expuso en las principales galerías de Buenos Aires. En 1962 expuso individualmente por última vez en Buenos Aires. Ese mismo año se dirigio a Nueva York hasta 1965. Luego a México, donde residió hasta 1977, año en que retornó a Estados Unidos. En esos años expuso asiduamente en México, Estados Unidos, España y Costa Rica.

Sus cuadros eran mayoritariamente abstractos, están compuestos por fondos de colores uniformes, con trazados rítmicos y espontáneos, caligrafías oscuras, a veces dinámicas, y a veces apacibles. El seguia la caligrafía, la pintura del gesto y el signo, que estaban presentes en numerosos artistas europeos y norteamericanos. Sakai sigue la misma vía, pero en sus obras la caligrafía y el signo tienen una notable relación con los principios estéticos del arte japonés.

lunes, 19 de mayo de 2014

Más poesía visual

La poesía visual es una forma experimental en la que la imagen, el elemento plástico y en todas sus facetas predomina sobre el resto de los componentes. Esta es una forma de poesía no verbal.

Esto es una poesía visual porque expresa los 4 aujeros como los que hay en la obra.

Titulo: Four holes for you;
Autor: Anatol knolek;

Hecho por Leandro Tagliaferii y Matias Viana

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

Poesia visual

A partir del poema los difíciles días de la lombriz de Laura Devetach, elegimos una canción para transformarla en un poema visual.

Todos mis ataques pasajeros
me sorprenden a la hora de cenar
Porque                         flotan                                                           
en                 el                                      vaso
de la lluvia de

Que no mojan, ni entristecen la ciudad
Cada momento de duelo,    cada tormento primero
cada pesar, consuelo,                    cada dolor pasajero
Cada manía o apego,                       cada lamento sincero
Cada domingo fulero,                             cada Lunes de miedo
Todos los                                                         dias de  Enero
Yo y mi look                                                  de pordiosero
Todas las                                            Capas   del cielo
Todas las                                cosas que quiero
Todos los días del MUNDO existe una forma
de resucitar

Cada noche en cada lugar
Los momentos que nos quedan
Una absurda oportunidad de vivir
Revivir mi vida
Música, mientras

Aunque ahí afuera este                                        TODO MAL                  
Es el parlante de mi ciudad dramática
La hora de la PENA y nadie tiene paz
Yo sigo sin escuchar

Momentos,∞s , los minutos del INVIERNO
se diluyen en la boca de un DIABLO charlatán
Porque solo me llevo la gloria
de tener en la memoria una mágica HISTORIA
en tus horas de euforia
Todos los días del MUNDO existe una forma
de resucitar

Cada noche en cada
L                U                 G               A                R
Los momentos que nos quedan
Una absurda oportunidad de vivir
Revivir mi vida
Música, mientras

           No           aunque ahí  afuera esté            todo mal
Es el parlante de mi ciudad dramática
La hora de la pena y nadie tiene paz
Yo sigo sin escuchar
Las voces de la angustia y la soledad
                                             la ausencia indeclinable de la                            libertad
Yo vivo las rutinas más fanáticas
     Que nacen de                                     problemáticas
         que sigo sin despertar.

Integrantes: Matias Viana y Leandro Tagliaferri