miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Las variaciones de una población

Las especies de una población están contenidas por individuos, que pueden reproducirse y dejar descendencia fértil. Las características que definen a un individuo (fenotipo) dependen de la descendencia de los cromosomas de padre y madre, que se encuentran en una parte de la cadena de ADN. Está, está formada por cadenas de nucleótidos que contienen la información de un gen, que le indica a las células de un organismo las funciones que debe cumplir y la fabricación de proteínas. La información de un gen es dada por los homocigotos y los heterocigotos.

Los homocigotos dominantes ocurren cuando ambos alelos contienen la misma característica dominante `BB` (representa con letra mayúscula) o homocigotos recesivos si ambos alelos son recesivos `bb` (representado con letra minúscula) o también pueden ser heterocigotos los cuales contienen un alelo dominante y recesivo `Bb`.

En una población se puede analizar la poza genética, que se define como la suma de todos los genes de una población, y determinar los cambios de las características que sufren a lo largo del tiempo. Para entender la evolución de una especie se observa la poza genética y los cambios en las frecuencias de los alelos que derivan en las diferentes características.

jueves, 25 de mayo de 2017

Como el primer día.

En el área de literatura estuvimos trabajando con relatos de viajes espaciales. Para analizarlos tuvimos en cuenta el articulo de Lodge y la focalización de los niveles y modalidades de los textos. A partir de ello, hicimos un cuento que debía integrar a Lodge y la focalización con un viaje espacial como tema principal. Los dejo con el resultado.

La experiencia de trabajo fue diferente porque tuvimos que tener en cuenta algunos términos que anteriormente no me hubiesen preocupado. Primero empece con la idea general de un viaje a un planeta nunca explorado, en el cual debían atrapar un objeto que desde la Tierra no era identificable. Posteriormente profundice en los detalles y acciones del cuento hasta terminarlo y quedar conforme con el resultado. 

En el cuento, Lodge aparece cuando se detallan sensaciones, se habla de la biografía de los personajes y se los muestra actuando y hablando. Mientras que la focalización es externa fija, modalidad espacial panorámica, temporal sincrónica, emoción subjetiva, el narrador sabe más que los personajes y es presentada en base a las características de los personajes y acontecimientos de la historia.

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

Which advices would you give to your friend to study for exams?

From: LeandroT@gmail.com
To: George1@gmail.com

Hi George, how are you doing? I know you're stressed out with all the examinations you're having soon. Years before I was having the same troubles, but I followed some tips and from that time onwards I could remember all very easily. First, you need to organise your time, them you should sum up the essential info and study whenever you could.

To start with, you need to organise your time studying for the recent exams first and when you sat for them you study for the upcoming once. It's very important to do it because you could get confused and the information all together difficult to remember.

Secondly, you could sum up the main topics to reduce the amount of irrelevant information. I use it to take out the examples the book may give, and the information that is essential, write it in capital letter. Also, you could make a mind-map if you're one of those who have photographic memory.

Lastly and from my point of view, the most important tip is to study whenever you've got some free time. For example, you could study when you're taking a shower repeating the summery in a loud voice, it's very useful. And my favourite is to study 10 minutes before sleeping and 10 minutes when you wake up. I remember most of it when I do it.

I hope these tips help you to pass the exams and you don't get too stressed with them. Any doubt that you've got, write to me, I don't have any problem. And when you finish them all write to me again because I want to know how you do.
Good luck! Leandro

How important were Republican reactions to the Wall Street Crash as causes of Roosevelt's success in the presidential election of 1932?

During 1932, a presidential election was held in the USA in which the two main candidates were Hoover and Roosevelt. People were looking for a change, after the lack of confidence they had with Hoover when the Wall Street Crash come to be. Roosevelt won the elections representing the Democratic Party. There are still some Debate on why he was successful with the elections.

To start with, people in the USA were depress due to the fact that the economy was totally destroyed after the Wall Street Crash. Farmers were unable to pay their mortgages and they were removes from their land. In addition, the parks were full of homeless and unemployed people who were helped by charity workers. Despite the USA situation, the Republican government did nothing about it, they assured that "prosperity was just around the corner" and people wanted a change.

As a consequence of depression, in 1932 the Democrat candidate Roosevelt was elected president by the majority of USA population. He believe in active government, spending public money to upgrade the standards of living, like getting people back to work, helping poor, unemployed and Native Americans. Roosevelt promised a New Deal to change the situation USA was dealing with.

To conclude, Roosevelt won the presidential elections because Hoover and the Republicans did nothing for the Wall Street Crash and the situation USA was facing, which cause depression in the American society. republican reaction was important because people wanted a change and they lost confidence in Republican government.

domingo, 21 de mayo de 2017

How important were credit and hire purchase as reasons for economic growth in the USA in the 1920s?

During the 1920s, USA was in a boom. The country was growing very fast due to the fact of the new methods and technologies that industries were developing. Not all of the population can afford to bought a radio or a car, so the banks gave credits to the people to ´´buy now, and pay later´´ and also the hire purchase helped people to buy even more. Eventhought the overproduction due to mass production and the assemble line left industries into bankrupt.

To start with, the Republican government maintain taxes low, so people could spend more money, this was call laissez-faire. Moreover, people with a low income can not afford to bought a car or a radio, so they asked the bank to give them credits. As a result, people could buy products and the economy growth. The government have a powerful trust with the captains if industry because the knew better than politicians did. The industries asked for credits to developed new technologies and methods to increase the production to sold more and more.

Then, the hire purchase was mainly used in the motor industry. Americans took advantages of this new schemes of ´´buy now, and pay later´´ to buy a car which was revolutionized by Henry Ford. People did not have the money to afford one so they borrow it easily from banks. Talking about new schemes as ´´buy now, and pay later´´ there was another one called buy ´´on margin´´. Which means that Americans, specially speculators, have to pay the 10% of the cash needed to buy shares and could borrow the rest from the bank entering into the stock markets which was an easy and quickly way to get rich thanks to loans.

On the other hand, the overproduction was facing and economic problem. Despite the credits helped to increase the production, people did not wanted to buy more because they have what they wanted due to the mass marketing and propaganda. Which said that Americans had a right to prosperity and had to spend money to had the latest consumer goods for a better quality life so industries can not sold the same amount they were used to. Letting to unemployment and the discontent of population. Furthermore the industries went bankrupt and banks also, because they did not have money to give credits.

Another key thing to remember is that, in Europe the first war world was in process. The american industries exported foodstuffs, arms and machinery to Great Britain and France. Selling these products helped the economy to growth even more. But given the fact that the first war world had ended, European countries were destroyed and poor to buy products to USA. So some industries los the exportation income.

Despite the electrification allowed industries to developed faster and better products, like vacuum cleaners, radios and cars, which needed petrol to make plastic, was not important for credits and hire purchase for economic growth. Eventhough petrol was used in the majority of the industries, in building roads, and also electrification simplify the handmade jobs, the overproduction of the industries led to unemployment and poverty.

To conclude, eventhough the industries had an overproduction and people did not want to spend money, the credits give by the banks helped the USA to growth it´s economy in the 1920s.