jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

The strange case of Peter and his mother

 The 7th of December of 1999 was a gloomy day. It was raining and nobody went out of their homes. Peter was a strange boy, he was 14 years old and he lived in California, with his father. His mother disappeared when Peter was 8 years old. Joel, Peter’s father, and the police didn’t know what happened to her.

That day as usual, Peter was quiet. He only talked to his father and his best friend, who’s name was Jack. Peter didn’t have good relationships with his class mates. He didn’t talk to anyone, he was feeling sad. And he asked

´´San are you feeling ok? ´´ Joel asked
´´Yes dad…´´ Peter answered crying
´´And why are you crying? ´´ Joel asked
´´Because when I was returning home from school, I crashed with a post.´´ Peter answered
´´Are you sure, is there anything you want to tell me? ´´ Joel asked again
´´No dad, I’m sure.´´ Peter answered

After this conversation in Peter’s shabby bedroom, Joel said to Peter that dinner was ready on the table. Peter went to the kitchen, but he didn’t eat anything. Joel thought that he didn’t have hungry because he was sad, so he didn’t say a word. They got up of the chairs and they went to slept.

The other day, Joel woke Peter up, and Peter continued being sad. Without a work; they entered the car, and Joel left Peter at school. Joel went to work. However, he was worried so he calls Jack to be sure that Peter was ok.

´´Hello Jack I am Peter’s father, can you help me please? ´´ Joel said
´´Yes tell me, what is the problem with Peter? ´´ Jack said
´´He is sad; he did not eat anything at night and today too. Do you know what happened to him? ´´ Joel said
´´Ok, thanks for the information, if anything you know about it, call me? ´´ Joel said
´´Yes sure! ´´ Jack said

There were 10:30 and Peter didn’t come back from school. He used to come at 6 o’clock. Joel was waiting for him at home with dinner ready, he was nervous; he didn’t know what happen to him. He didn’t have any call, any message, nothing. Joel called Jack and then he called the police, but both of them didn’t have news from Peter.

The police was trying to find Peter; meanwhile Joel was searching for some clues. He entered to Peter’s bedroom and he found his diary.

Joel opened it on the 6th of December. And he found all the clues that he needed

´´12/7/1999; California

I have all done, my plan is ready to be executed. The only thing I have to do is to wait. I’m very sad. I will miss my dad and my friend.´´

´´12/8/1999; California

I woke up ready. When I go out school, I will do it. I will commit suicide! My mother disappeared and I can’t live without HER. She was all for me. I LOVE you DAD, you are the most important man in my life. But I can’t live without her.´´

´´Noooo Peter! I need you.´´ Joel shouted desesperated

Three weeks later, the police found Peter’s body in the river.

´´That was the last time we ever saw him´´ Joel told the police.

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014


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