viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

Alta edad media

A continuación podrán ver el trabajo sobre la alta edad media, echo por Matias Viana, Sebastian Rojas, Juan Kos y Leandro Tagliaferri

Nuestro señorío se encuentra en la región de Champaña. Es una antigua provincia de Francia que esta ubicada al noreste de este país. La Champaña (del latín campus) estaba habitada por galos, como remos, triscases, meldas, lingones y senonenses, en tiempos del Imperio romano formaba parte de la Gallia Lugdunensis y estaba habitada ya por francos y borgoñones. Tras convertirse en condado a inicios del siglo XII, la provincia de Champaña fue unida a la corona francesa y a al Reino de Navarra gracias al matrimonio de Juana I de Navarra con Felipe el Hermoso, rey desde 1285.

En el la heráldica de nuestro señorío se puede observar el color rojo, que simboliza al dios Marte, las características que le corresponden son fortaleza, alteza, y victoria.
El color azul simboliza a Venus, y las cualidades de justicia, lealtad y prudencia, con la obligación al servicio y protección de la Agricultura ante su Soberano y Patria.
El color plateado simbolizando la Luna, pureza, fe y obediencia, Las familias a las que se les concedía el privilegio de llevar el plateado en sus escudos se distinguían por su integridad, su obediencia, firmeza y gratitud. Los portadores de este color en su escudo eran reconocidos como aquéllos que servían al Rey en la náutica y tenían la obligación de amparar a los huérfanos y defender a las doncellas.
El color dorado simboliza la nobleza, la prosperidad, sabiduría, constancia, riqueza y poder. La familia que llevara este color, debía caracterizarse por sus cualidades de generosidad y nobleza y servir al Rey. Debían ser los primeros en defender y portar las virtudes caballerescas.
Ademas de los colores, en la heráldica se pueden observar los siguientes objetos; espadas, que simbolizan la justicia y soberanía de su antepasados. Y un león que simboliza un espíritu generosamente guerrero.

martes, 26 de agosto de 2014


Here in this entry you will see an interpretation of my monologue that I created. In the video that is below you will see me interpretating Marcus Stoplen, a super hero.


I was a normal boy, I don't have problems with nobody. I liked my old work, I have a house a family. And one day, all change
It was a normal day in my office. I was working when my computer doesn't tern on. I check if I broke it, but not, the wire was disconnected. And that was the big problem. When I plug the wire in the wall, all exploded. Living me immobilised. 
I wake up in the hospital and the doctors explained me, that now I have super powers. I can trough bean and I can fly. 
That shock me, I was specting  to be okey.

I started thinking, how I can use this powers. And I though when I was a child. I liked watching my father in the tv catching thieves. And I remember that i want to be like him. And now I could help the police. 
Really, I fill happy about my self and my progress 

lunes, 25 de agosto de 2014

Kazuya Sakai

Estuvimos en el Magba (Museo Internacional de Arte Moderno), vimos y nos explicaron las obras de distintos artistas. La semana siguiente, en informática, entramos a la página y elegimos 3 obras que nos parecían más interesantes y de esas 3 quedo una que fue la de Kazuya Sakai. Después tuvimos que investigar la biografía del pintor, buscamos y elegimos 3 obras más. En Lengua, creamos un poema hablando de las obras que elegimos y creamos un video con el poema. Recortamos las obras que elegimos para parecer que la obra era otra 
Este es el video 


Hecho por: Matias Viana y Leandro Tagliaferri

jueves, 21 de agosto de 2014

Diary entry

Here you can see two diary entries from the book The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. hyde

August 24, 1889
Great Britain, London

Today is a hard day. I'm trying to finish the potion to separate my good and bad part of my soul.
It's a very complex preparation. I put too many ingredients to finish this potion. Tomorrow I'll show scientists that I'm telling the truth. that is possible to do this, I'll dismiss this myth, I'll show Laynon that I'm right. He always told that it's impossible to show that. Now I'll finish the potion. I have to include some ingredients and mix it all. I'm so anxious, I want to drink it and see what happens. But leaving these feelings apart, I'm so nervous. I don't know what will happen then, if I'll become a normal man, like now, or if I'll stay like this and nobody can help me. If the potion becomes addictive and I can't stop drinking it. I'm scared! I hope this will goes by quickly and i won't suffer.
I finished the potion. It's ready to drink it. Now I'll go to sleep, tomorrow before breakfast, I'll drink it, so Poole doesn't suspect something

Dr. Henry Jekyll

August 25, 1889
Great Britain, London

Dear Diary, I'm ready to drink the potion. I was so nervous that I slept only four hour. I went to sleep at 3 o'clock and I get up at 7 o'clock. I told Poole if he could go to buy some food for breakfast. So that he didn't see me. And the other servants, I put them to clean all the house, so they are inattentive and don't bother me. I'min the lab, now I will drink it. Then I will write the effects of  the potion so I have clear what will happen when I drink it again.
It had been four hours more or less. I was Mr. Hyde for some period of time. I was too strong and little. Really I dismiss this strange myth. I was right, Laynon was mistaken. I have a really strong headache, and I'm really tired. I don't remember what happened when I was Hyde. My clothes are broken. And I hope that Poole and Utterson don't see me walking in the street.
Well now I'll go to eat something and go to sleep.

Good bye
Dr. Henry Jekyll